There are 2 styles of populism agrarian and political. For example Canada, Scandinavia, Italy and the Netherlands. Since 1980 populist parties and movements took some success in the Western/First World democracies. Populism was for the biggest part of the twentieth century considered as a political phenomenon mostly in Latin America. Populism appeals to the interests and conceptions of the general people, especially contrasting those interest with the interests of the elite. So populism is a sub-specie of political doctrine. Political doctrine is based on a rational elaborated set of values, which may precede the formation of a political identity.

Political doctrine is mainly a theoretical discourse. However, doctrine lacks the ‘actional aspect’ of ideology. Retrieved May 26, 2015, from ) The term political doctrine is sometimes wrongly identified with political ideology. ‘Doctrine is : A principle or body of principles presented for acceptance or belief,as by a religious, political, scientific, or philosophic group.’ (Doctrine.

Populism is one of the different kinds of political doctrine. All the extreme left and right wing parties are really different, the only thing that they have in common is the dislike of the nowadays establishment. But there are lots and lots of these parties spread around Europe. An example that everyone knows is de PVV with Geert Wilders as leader. Extreme right and left wing parties have been gaining ground in Europe. This project will be about the rise of populism in European politics.